Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Does Science Prove There is No God?

 It's "Whataboutery Wednesday", the day we look to answer an apologetic question/objection to the Christian faith.

Today's objection is that nagging claim that science proves there is no God. I want to challenge this claim with three points.

First, it is often claimed Intelligent Design or creationism are outside the scope of science because they are religious or philosophical ideas. If this is true, then on the same token science cannot disprove the existence of God. The question is simply outside the capacity of science to address one way or the other on this line of reasoning. So pick a lane. Is ID necessarily unscientific, or can science prove God doesn't exist?

Second, science itself rests on metaphysical necessities that themselves logically entail the existence of God. This includes such realities as metaphysical motion, the consistency and knowability of the natural world, and the nature of nature. More could be said here, of course, but you get the idea. Science does not exist in an intellectual vacuum. 

Third, this objection rests on a false dilemma. It is assumed that scientific explanation is at odds, or reduces the need for, God as an explanation. But this is patently absurd. Multiple causes are required to explain any event in the natural world. Saying science proves God does not exist is like saying the fact water boils at a certain temperature precludes the possibility water is boiling in order to make tea. This is not only a false dilemma, but a category error. One cause does not preclude the possibility of other causes. 

Science does not, indeed cannot, prove there is no God. Join us next Whataboutery Wednesday as we consider the challenge of logical positivism, the skeptic's last hope to claim science proves there is no God.

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